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Joschi Yoga Institute - 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Graduates


How the Joschi Teacher Training shaped me into the individual I am today
A Short Story by Lydia Shahi, Joschi Academy Graduate

I chose to attend the Joschi Teacher Training in July. There is a special type of heat that fills Manhattan from the middle of May until the end of August. Fed by millions of people and confined by concrete, the heat takes on a life of its own. Along with its partner in crime, humidity, the city is transformed into a hazy fishbowl of smog, accented by an alarming scent of sewage. A short walk to the subway or corner cafe can easily turn even the most patient, poised individual into a sweaty, irritable mess. Living in Manhattan for all of three summers, I learned that there is a unique type of insanity bred from that type of weather. Those who were able to escape for greener pastures leave Manhattan for as long as they possibly can. The rest of us were forced to sweat it out together and hold onto whatever shreds of sanity we had left… >>READ MORE!

“The training is awesome! As an advanced yoga student, I thought I’d only go through the rudimentary steps to get my certification, but boy, was I wrong! This program is totally complete and intense. As expected, it covered the technical aspects of yoga, i.e., the asanas, and the philosophical side of yoga. But to my pleasant surprise, it also covered the spirituality of yoga, including the chakras, as well as the very practical, such as what to expect as a yoga teacher, and finally, how to create your own personal style in order to put your signature on your work as a teacher. Joschi’s expertise on anatomy is expert and Monika’s eye for detail is impeccable in the daily practice. I felt completely comfortable and safe in their hands. It truly enhanced my own practice and supported my work as a teacher. From beginning to end, for all levels of students and backgrounds, I highly recommend the Joschi Teacher Training. ” – John M.

“This Teacher Training Course is one of the best things I have ever done! It exceeded my expectations by a wide margin on many levels and I recommend it to ANYONE!! Whether you plan on making yoga your career or just looking to expand your knowledge, this yoga teacher training leaves you feeling empowered, comfortable teaching a class, and eager to share all of the amazing things you get to learn.” – Natalia M.

“I just completed my Teacher Training course with Joschi & Monika and it was amazing! I finally, with being in quarantine, had the time to do my 200 hours and I’m so happy I finally had the opportunity to complete it. I was concerned how confident I would feel about teaching yoga, but the truth is I learned heaps and feel very confident in my ability to teach now. The program curriculum was laid out in a way it made a lot of sense and it had just enough tests and assignments that it didn’t take up too much of my time. The course was self-paced, which makes it perfect for everybody. I look forward to my first teaching experience where I can use my newfound knowledge. Thank you so much for a great experience.” – Michaela R.

“The teacher training was everything that I hoped for and I’m thankful to have done it with Joschi Yoga and not any of the many other options available. I originally took the training mostly to deepen my Yoga practice and get fit but after completing the course, I definitely feel the interest to share everything that I’ve learned and also help others finding a deeper understanding of Yoga and how it can really make your life better. Monika and Joschi are great teachers but even more interesting, kind and honest personalities, that truly want you to grow and become better at who you are. They are also pushing you to get the best out of the training for yourself (even if that means pushing some buttons every once in a while) – at the end of the day you have learned more about yourself and feel more “grounded” within your own head. The training has a big focus on anatomy and alignment, which is a very important subject if you want to become a good teacher, who can help each person based on their physical structure but also to prevent injuries or help if they are already having problems with their posture etc. It can become an interesting subject as well if you treat it as an important step to take caution in your teachings as a Yogi. The Joschi Teacher Training was definitely one of the best decisions I’ve made, and I am more than thankful to have met great teachers and friends who helped me to get a better understanding of what really matters and how to enjoy everything that you already carry within yourself. Danke” – Yvonne A.

“My experience at the Joschi Yoga has been life changing. Joschi and Monika were amazingly insightful teachers. What they were able to fit in my head in a very quick amount of time was nothing short of amazing. Each teacher was different enough while candidly lending their own personal life experiences to inspire my own individuality. This was no cookie cutter hippie training. What I got with them was a well-rounded teacher training. They gave me the skills and confidence to teach. The anatomical knowledge to teach safely. The philosophical and spiritual insight to help me grow as an individual. They also were challenging enough to really add to my feeling of personal accomplishment. I never once felt that I had paid for my certification but I have rightfully earned it. Physically I am at my peak. Mentally I am confident and content enough to face anything. This training was transformative, challenging, intense, fun, insightful, and caring. The camaraderie that grew between myself, the teachers, and my class mates was very warm. Everyone cared about everyones success. They are all a big part of my big plan and I plan to stay in touch. Danke, Arigato, Xiexie, gracias, thank you and NAMASTE.” – Shawn T.

“Si elegir tres palabras pudieran posiblemente definir ésta notable experiencia, tengo que comprometer mi descripción como intensa, determinada e íntegra. Cada día se compuso de entregas inesperadas con reveladores sucesos recordándome que las posibilidades son infinitas. Me adentré al proceso con las manos vacías y el pensamiento de que estaba regresando a la escuela, como en tiempos pasados. Ciertamente, me redescubrí una vez más a través del estructurado programa que Monika y Joschi han creado. Es mucho mas que una certificación de 250 horas… eso es un hecho! Hallé magia en cada instante… desde la inscripción y no saber a que me estaba exponiendo, hasta la forma tan ponderosa que Monika te hace recordar NUNCA dudar de ti; enlazado a las historias de Joschi formuladas desde esa mente creativa y su innata pasión y conocimiento de la anatomía. Cuatro semanas plenas de un impresionante currículo, risas, oportunidades de expansión de la mente, y descubrimientos internos. Podría escribir un libro de este viaje compartido y su título leería: ‘Unidad e Identidad’. Muchísimas gracias y una vez más, gracias… por compartir su auténtico y genuino SER. Eso sí es inestimable! Me llena de alegría y distinción poder nombrar a Joschi Yoga como un hogar para mí y tener la certeza de que es solo el comienzo de ésta travesía. Siempre recordaré las únicas dos reglas: Ser SIMPLE y DIVERTIRME…! Para siempre en todos los sentidos…” – Natasha L.

“I could honestly write a book about how amazing this program is! Going through the Teacher Training at the Joschi Yoga has been one of the most amazing experiences for me! Joschi and Monika gave me the tools I need to succeed as a fitness-focused yoga teacher. They truly care for their students and want each and every one of them to be successful. This program has introduced me to new people, new languages, and most importantly embraced my inner self. The program is intense and gives an in-depth training for the mind and body. I met such amazing people and will carry this experience throughout my teaching career. It is a unique atmosphere with a hands-on approach to learning. Joschi and Monika made themselves accessible to any questions we might have and always made sure we understood all the content. They make an awesome team and are wonderful people… I couldn’t recommend Joschi’s Teacher Training more!” – Noelle K. 

“I have been practicing and teaching yoga outside of New York for a few years. I knew moving to New York I would need more training so I decided to do Joschi’s teacher training program. The teacher training program is AMAZING! There are people of many skill levels in my teacher training but it really pushes you to be a better instructor and more than that, it has helped my personal practice more than I could possibly express. The studio is beautiful, the teachers are amazing and because of the wonderful teachers and teacher trainers I have deepened my personal practice. Thank you Joschi!!!” – Noelia F.

“I needed a little space from my teacher training program before I could reflect and share my feelings and thoughts on the experience. It was such an intense experience (hence being called an intensive teacher training program) but such an amazing one. I had the honor of meeting 19 other unique souls going through life transitions and searching to better themselves and the lives of others through yoga. Each one of my peers inspired, surprised, and challenged me every day and through learning about their lives and individual journeys with yoga I learned so much about myself and my own. At the Joschi Yoga, we as students were guided by two very different but both incredibly caring, intelligent, and devoted teachers. The experience would not have been the same had one of my peers or teachers been missing. I went into the program intending to learn more about myself physically, mentally, and emotionally so that I could better guide others to find the same kind of self-love and understanding. I was also excited to get into the academic side of yoga, to learn anatomy and Sanskrit, philosophy, history, etc. That desire is what lead me to the Joschi Yoga specifically, and I was not disappointed… “The Joschi Teacher Training program provided a well-rounded and relevant curriculum to prepare me to walk out the door as a fully competent teacher. I would highly recommend the program to anyone who wants to learn a style of yoga that emphasizes and blends contemporary movement and anatomical principles, with old school yogic principles and a healthy dose of introspective analysis. With a hands-on approach to teaching, each one of the teachers brings their own unique perspectives and fortes. It was an absolute pleasure to join the program in the heart of NYC learning from the best.” – Rob S.

“During my time with Joschi Yoga, I was challenged, praised, pushed, tested, and soothed. The two teachers both provided different perspectives and personalities, which combined created a well-balanced and stimulating experience. The information was clearly and interestingly presented, primarily from the teachers’ own experience. We students received the benefit of learning from teachers who have been teaching yoga and other crafts, for many years, and thus embody all that they teach. I feel that my yoga knowledge, practice, and my sensitivity as a teacher greatly improved during this month. I have nothing but gratitude and admiration towards to my teachers!!” – Ali G

“If choosing to earn your teaching certification at the Joschi Yoga, you won’t regret it. Joschi, Monika and the entire team offer a wealth of knowledge, light and support to an otherwise intense program. With an emphasis on sound physical practice and alignment, the program brings in elements of anatomy, mental health and spirituality that ensure graduates possess a holistic understanding of yoga teaching. The program will challenge you as it takes you on a journey through yoga — as a philosophy and a practice — as well as the human spirit. You’ll learn far more than how to master a pose — and you’ll be a better person and instructor for it.” – Trey W.

“Joschi Yoga was a life-changing experience for me. I could not have asked for a better teacher training experience. The teachers were absolutely phenomenal and taught me so much; not only about teaching yoga but myself as well. The energy was always positive and organic. I would recommend this program 10/10 to anyone who is interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor.” – Holly B.

“This past June I had the pleasure of receiving my teacher certification at Joschi Yoga in NYC. I think it is safe to say that it was one of the greatest decisions of my life. I am so fortunate to have worked with such excellent teachers and co students that if I could I would easily do it all over again. The benefit of having four different teachers was extremely rewarding. Just a month and a half out of the program I am teaching at a studio and have private clients. Thanks to my education and experience at Joschi’s I am blessed to be where I am today and cannot thank them enough for their love, patience, and practice.” – Erin G.

“Dear Joschi and Monika, I just want to thank you both again for such an incredible experience. I learned so much – about yoga and myself. I believe that this teacher training is a very significant marker in my life. I know that I did not share my personal history with either of you throughout the training, but I now am comfortable enough to openly say that I see this accomplishment as a milestone in my recovery. I was extremely underweight for many years and therefore was unable to do all the things that make me happy – at certain times in college I was not even allowed to participate in dance classes. So basically I have really worked hard over the past year to get back to a healthy place – mentally and physically. Once I was able to do that, I enrolled in the training. Now I have completed the certification, gotten to a healthy weight, and gained a level of confidence that will allow me to maintain my health, continue to grow stronger, and be happy with who I am. I truly believe that this training has given me that confidence and self-understanding. I respect myself and love myself more now than I ever have. So thank you for helping me along this journey. Love,” – Isa W.

“Joschi’s teacher training program is built for the serious and dedicated yogi because it is jam packed with information an instructor MUST know and I made the right decision by choosing it. My goals for taking this program were all reached, but what I didn’t expect was to learn so much more of the chemistry of my body, learn the dynamics of teaching a beginner and/or injured student, have expert guidance from seasoned professionals and meet some amazing people as my peers. Joschi and Monika made the perfect team of teachers. Their mixture of personality and knowledge came together very well. Thank you guys!” – Oshay W.

“Once again, thank you for such a wonderful experience. Writing you from my long New York-Moscow flight. I came to this teacher training because I wanted to learn a new skill, and ended up changing my life. It was an unforgettable experience and I highly recommended it. ” – Tanya R.

“This training is a must! When I took this training I never thought how intense it could really be. It was physically and mentally challenging. Nonetheless, everything I was taught came from qualified and caring people that shared every bit of themselves. I learned not what a yoga teacher is meant to be but who I should be as a yoga teacher as the program somehow adapted to myself. Joschi’s team gave a well-balanced program with all the information accessible, making sure that everything was understood really looking after us. In this program, you are with people ready to pass on their knowledge, supportive and patient. They demand the best of you because they give the best of them. After this I felt that my own practice got stronger, that eventhough I still have a lot to learn, I’m capable and confident to start teaching. Thank you all for this great experience! Namaste” – Lorena A.

“I am very grateful for all of your guidance and knowledge that you have shared with us on the basics of yoga and teaching, encompassing both the physical and spiritual aspects. The personal attention we were able to get was a wonderful experience, and I feel that I was able to approach with any question I needed more guidance on. In addition, the curriculum was made so that we could digest the basics and start practicing teaching – which was what we needed the most. I feel that this time has given me the tools and insights I need to continue developing and make the real transition from practitioner to teacher, when I am on my own once the training is done. Thank you so much” – Ayako Y.

“Having just completed my teacher training I could not be more satisfied. Joschi and Monika made me welcome from the first day. They have extensive knowledge of yoga and have created a comprehensive program that is perfect for new teachers. I left with a thorough understanding of teaching yoga. The program also delves into the history and true meaning of yoga. Their team was equally knowledgable and active in the training. I am so happy that I chose Joschi Yoga for my training.” – Kurt T.

“I completed my Certification with Joschi Yoga a year and a half ago. I want to say a big thank you for everything you taught me about yoga, people and business. I have taught over 200 classes in a variety of settings. Getting certified in yoga was one of the best things I did and helped me gain much confidence in my new career. I have relocated back to Southern California. Hope all is well with you in NYC. Thank you!” – Hannah M.

When I first started doing Yoga I was the least flexible person in class, and my wrists hurt but I didn’t quit. Within weeks, the strength in my wrists grew and within months my flexibility improved dramatically.
I have been a student at Joschi’s for 2 years now and come almost every day. I didn’t realize how important Yoga was for me until my 7th month of training here. One day I went into the studio in the worst mood because of a really bad day at work. When class finished my mind was reset and the negative thoughts I had was some how turned into positive productive energy. I am uniquely inspired by every instructor at Joschi Yoga. – Joschi- is the most knowledgeable Yoga instructor I have ever met; he leads by example and inspires many people with his true flow yoga that is enlightening and educational. His main goal is achieved in every class by activating every muscle within the human body. -Monika- is the perfect instructor if you want an informative introduction to Yoga, she also greets everyone at the door with a big warm smile that will brighten your day. This is hands down the best Yoga Studio in the City, you cannot find a yoga class of this quality in any of the exclusive gyms either. I have always kept a full time membership at Joschi’s but I also have trained at many other Yoga studio’s throughout the city at the same time. (Yes I felt like I was cheating) Joschi’s studio by far has the best renovation (I’m a real estate broker @ Corcoran so I know these things.. lol), the best lighting, website, and hands down the nicest people and culture. Thank you YO-SHEEE! (JOSCHI)” – Tim M.

“I wanted to just say that it has only been a week and I miss the teacher training and you guys already! Although I took a little time off (about three days :)), I went back to a class and it didn’t even compare to the quality of the classes at your studio, so I will be back very very soon! I also just wanted to thank the both of you for such an amazing time. I couldn’t be happier with my experience throughout the teacher training and really believe that you two prepared us to be amazing teachers. Thank you guys again and I hope to see you soon! Best” – Dana M.

“I just did my teacher training at Joschi Yoga so I was required to take hours of yoga there and still I would go back in a second! The teacher training program there is great but if you’re just looking to practice, I think the place is a real find in some ways. There’s very little pretention, it looks more like a spa than a yoga studio. It’s very homelike, people know each other. They have athletic, fitness influenced teachers and they have more spiritual teachers. All of whom are far above average in teaching skills. This is a place for people who like to flow, they all really move you.” – Mattie H.

“I have been practicing yoga for 5 years, at home and in numerous studios in my travels. I wanted to find a place that gave me a sense of comfortableness, similar to what I get from my home. When I came across Joschi Yoga, the studio immediately became my home practice away from home. I love Joschi himself, Monika, and all the teachers that have been carefully placed by the studio. Their knowledge of teaching on all levels that each of them possess is amazing. I love the studio so much that I decided to attend the Teacher Training program this winter. Even if you do not want to become certified to teach, I recommend this training just to deepen your practice. I am amazed how much knowledge I have consumed by all the wonderful people who work for the studio, and how it has helped me with my asana’s and mental well-being.” – AnnMarie N.

“I was never very much a fan of being pushed (spotted) to get though my workout. I tried teaming up with friends and hiring a person trainer, but I just did not enjoy it – nor did I ever break a sweat. Joschi’s place is the answer that I was looking for! He drives and guides his pupils for 75+ minutes with good music in a friendly, noncompetitive environment. Simply put, Joschi takes the cultishness out of yoga and invites everyone to its splendor. Joschi makes sure that everyone gets individualized attention and keeps everyone focused on yoga while still having fun. From the time I walk in, there is invariably a clean, tranquil, and friendly environment. I know that I have escaped the office and the city. When I hit the mat, I know that next few moments are for me. There is no way anyone can escape his session without sweating buckets. I’ve gone from once a week, to twice a week, and desperately looking for a way to make it three times a week since the physical results are starting to far exceed everything that I was expecting yoga to do for me. Joschi has got me hooked. There are other studio’s in NYC, but after trying Joschi’s, I bet you won’t even think about them unless you are looking for a cult.” – Manny C.

“Yoga haters and yoga lovers alike can rejoice at this progressive studio. I don’t have enough good things to say! From the anatomically focused vinyasa flow to the fun teachers, all encompassed by a gorgeous yet simple studio… there’s just too much to go crazy about! For beginners and experienced yogis alike, the practice here will be challenging and exciting. They even have a yoga4men class for those in doubt about the credibility of yoga as a workout. Visit the studio and you’ll experience an anatomical awakening you won’t forget!” – MJ C.

“In the past decade I have been trying to find a class that works for me. I could never last with those 24-year-old instructors who I guess believed I was paying them to educate me with their under developed philosophy of life. At Joschi’s there is no static, no interruptions, no judgment. Just Joschi soothing with his pleasant presence, his intelligence, and his knowledge of the body. As for the atmosphere, Joschi is a welcoming lovely person who inspires loveliness even in the snottinest of class participants. I have been taking classes at the studio for a few months now and have been feeling great, and better every day.” – Emma N.

“Joschi Yoga and teacher training is incredible. It is a gift to have a place like this in the city, with such dedicated and knowledgeable teachers. The classes vary greatly from a serious athletic workout to a spa retreat. Also they consider the student and keep you aware of the body and soul and how to achieve a higher level of practice considering that we live in 2010. This school provided me the opportunity to challenge and expand the limits of the body, mind and heart. I am extremely thankful to have found this studio.” – Erika A.

“The program went above and beyond my expectations on every level. It is a lot to learn in a month! I chose Joschi Yoga because it was a condensed program that fit into both my timeframe and desire to spend time in NYC (I reside in the Bay Area, California). The instructors are professional and diligent at keeping students on task. The light of the program is Joschi. His knowledge is vast, his humor takes your worries away and his love of yoga as a lifestyle is contagious and inspiring. The backbone of the program is Monika. she’s organized, consistent and tough at times, but she makes you get it!” – Tamara T.

“Joschi Yoga is a diamond. It is one of only 3 yoga schools in all of New York City that offers a comprehensive anatomy component, which is crucial. Also, this training has given us more opportunities to actually practice teaching than other programs. I believe that you learn by doing, and that understanding how the body works is necessary to instruct people safely, so this program just makes sense! What’s more, Joschi and Monika are absolutely brilliant teachers. The program is organized and very in-depth. It surpassed my expectations. I wish my training would never end!” – Jenny G.

“Joschi’s Teacher Training program was one of the most intense, fulfilling and fun experiences I’ve ever had. The education that I acquired from the program was remarkable- the Asana study, Anatomy, practical teaching, Yoga history, business of teaching and so much more… My love for yoga grew with every class. The most wonderful thing about the program were the teachers who all have such different backgrounds, but all come with such genuine passion for yoga and for teaching. The work was intense but the classes were always filled with laughter and fun. I am excited to take all that of my experiences from the training and share them with students of my own!” – Sarah C.

“The keyword at Joschi is ‘rigor’. Whether through the in-depth anatomy classes, yoga history lessons or hours of teaching practice, the Academy opens students to the broadest possible curriculum. I was among the first group to graduate from the 2012 class. I found it stimulating, the environment was dynamic and the teachers put their hearts and bodies into preparing us. The small class allowed for a high level of individual attention and my fellow trainees were from all over the world. I would recommend Joschi Yoga to anyone seeking a solid foundation for teaching with inspiration.” – Sebastian N.

“I recently attended the 2012 Teacher Training Program at Joschi Yoga and can honestly say that it has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for myself. I had been practicing yoga in Florida for some time when I met an instructor who was certified in Vinyasa yoga and highly recommended Joschi Yoga in NYC as a place to learn and better my skill. After a lot of consideration and research, I decided to move to New York and become a part of Joschi’s next teacher training. The program turned out to be much more than I expected. Joschi and Monika, along with the talented staff behind them, went above and beyond during the course of the program. Their combined knowledge on topics such as anatomy, history of yoga, asanas, meditation and much more, place them above the rest in the Yoga community. After my first day, I could already tell that this studio was more than just a business for the instructors, but a passion. The transformation I have seen in myself in such a limited amount of time is nothing short of incredible. I have not only grown in my yoga practice but in my own personal life as well. Joschi and Monika see the deepest potential in their students and push them to be the best they can be. More importantly, they led us to understand that the key to our potential was continuous effort and not just natural strength and talent. I followed my dreams and with their help I am proud to say I am officially a “yogi”. I would highly recommend this studio to anyone with aspirations to teach, or to those who want to better their yoga practice!” – Kylee K.

“Absolutely AMAZING teachers. My experience at Joschi Yoga was challenging as well as unforgettable. The knowledge of all the teachers was the very best. There was the physical, mental, and spiritual challenge I was looking for and for that I thank you with all my heart.” – Ewa P.

“I have not yet completed my Teacher Training at Joschi Yoga and I already wish I could extend it for 4 more weeks. This program is fantastic, and I never want it to end! Joschi, Monika and the other teacher trainers are extremely knowledgeable; they really know what they’re doing. Each is fun and brings a unique perspective, so our curriculum is well-rounded. I have so much respect for them and always feels I am in good hands here. We concentrate a lot on human anatomy, which is so important and so many yoga instructors do not know enough about. I have never enjoyed learning so much. The classes at Joschi outside of the training are also fantastic. I feel so lucky to have discovered this place, and will recommend it to everyone. I will certainly continue to take classes here and sign up for future trainings at Joschi.” – Jennifer G.

“From the very first moment I walked into the Joschi Yoga, I had a vibe I made the right decision by choosing this wonderful studio for my Teacher Training. The Yoga I experienced at this studio was beyond my expectations: every single teacher is outstanding and unique. I’ve got the real knowledge in Buddhist philosophy, opportunity to practice my teaching skills in real life situations and finally unlimited free Yoga classes at the studio. It was my best learning experience ever! Thank you!” – Katrina S.

“I just completed Joschi’s four week training last week and I feel it was one of the best things I’ve ever done. I feel I learned so much in one month, about yoga and about myself, too. I think this studio has some great people you can learn a lot from! They are very knowledgeable and fun. Beside Joschi and Monika who we spent most of our time with, I really liked their staff. Studio has great modern look and it’s very clean and neat at all times. Classes are very fun and pretty challenging. I am sad that my training is over. I highly recommend this place for anyone interested in teacher training or just anyone wanting to practice yoga!” – Milka M.

“When I joined the Joschi YTT, I was not at all sure if I wanted to actually teach yoga or if this was just a way to deepen my practice. It became very much of both. Joschi, Monika and their team each contributed to the confidence that I now have both in my own practice and in teaching others. Their lessons, feedback, and modeling of what a yoga teacher can and should be taught me how to do more than teach asanas, but also how to live as a yoga teacher. I was skeptical of some aspects of yoga, but they opened up my eyes to the scientific as well as spiritual explanations of everything. This helped me to feel truly connected to yoga as a personal practice, a lifestyle, and a profession. Thanks to the team at Joschi, I am now teaching on a regular basis and plan to incorporate yoga into all of my work going forward.” – Rena D.

“I fell in love with the first Joschi Yoga class that I took, before making the decision to come to the studio for my training. The class pushed me beyond the limits that I didn’t know could exist, I am hooked.
Monika is great. She knows her stuff and her smile is infectious. She is very much down to earth. Joschi is a little different. I could tell right away he had a dance background and he still shows that flamboyant personality, which actually helps to drive his class. His knowledge in anatomy is amazing. Through his teaching, it really starts to make sense to have the knowledge of what body part is working, when building a sequence. His classes are amazing, so the connection he facilitated to find the connection within myself is powerful.
We taught on day one. I heard of other studios that you don’t get the chance the chance to teach until the very end of training. We had to build sequences in the first couple of weeks. It gradually built from a 5 minute sequence to 45 minutes. They were great on how much material they added on to us per week. I never felt overwhelmed. I did what they told us to do, which was to stay with the time-line they outlined and things will start clicking…so true.
The mystery anatomy test was a little hard. However, Joschi did outline most of the materials on the test. If you are a good note-taker and have a head on your shoulders, you should be able to pass.
Overall, I did have a great experience. The one thing I did wish we had more of was meditation and pranayama instruction. As someone who has done both for a number of years, it was easy for me to understand it. A few of the trainees didn’t understand the concept. I remember having a few conversations about this topic. We were asked to teach both, but only really went through it a few times. For a teacher training course, I think Joschi and Monika had chosen wisely on what to focus on during our training. There is so much still to learn, that you will never know it all. I do feel like I was given a solid foundation to build my teaching skills.” – Tammy, W.

“I had the most incredible time in New York on the teacher training this July. I feel immensely grateful to the team and lucky to have met people that will continue to feed into my life. Everyone over the course of the month was a part of my emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical growth. Fundamentally though it was the best decision I’ve ever made because it was a month where I was forced to focus on myself, which I have never previously given myself time to do. Deepening my practice was hard but incredibly rewarding, and I have well and truly delved into the world of yoga and am reaping the benefits of commitment. It’s cleared my mind and strengthened my soul – far more than I expected! Thanks so much to everyone!” – Sarah G.

“I feel like an angel led me to this studio for my teacher training. I cannot believe how much of themselves, both Joschi and Monika, bring to the program. They are truly invested in your success and not just in being a yoga teacher… actually, that is such a small part and reason why a lot of people even take this training… its more of a personal growth course. AND Joschi is very passionate about the anatomy and physiology of the body so it was drilled into us as students what to do and what not to do to care for the body in the long run. Not only that, they are fun and funny. They, being German in heritage, like to joke about having a “German Structure” but its actually wonderful because they take our time very seriously and do not waste a moment of our time together. I will always keep them close to my heart and I stay in touch almost weekly, if not daily sometimes, they are both such a support system to me! And, they are, I’m honored to say, now my friends long after I completed my course. Beyond 100% recommendation for Joschi Yoga!” – Heather C.

“Being a professional dancer, where and who I chose to attain my teacher training with was imperative. I needed a place with extensive experience within the field, a wealth of anatomical insight, and an understanding of multiple facets of natural well-being as a whole. It was important that I find a place that demonstrated a solid foundation of ethics and had a team of teachers that complimented each other’s knowledge. The location needed to be accessible and comfortable whilst providing an encouraging atmosphere for study and practice. The program needed to be affordable and to work with my ever-changing schedule. Above all, I needed to find somebody who I trusted would help direct and further my interest in all aspects of yoga. Joschi Academy exceeded all of these expectations and more. I cannot give enough praise to Joschi, Monika, and their team for the elegance with which they guided the program. My only desire would be to go back. I would highly recommend this studio for not only a beautifully constructed and challenging yoga class but for any aspiring teachers. They’re a wonderful team!” – Catherine J.

“The teacher training at Joschi was truly a life-changing experience. Although the training gave the students a comprehensive coverage and understanding of the yoga material, the program given was so much more than just a course curriculum. The love and dedication the teachers invested into their students is unique and incomparable. The experience of the teacher training transformed into so much more than the basic cultivation of yoga knowledge. It helped to transform me into a different person with a new perspective on the world and a love for myself and others around me that I never thought was previously possible. Monika, Joschi, and their team dedicate themselves wholeheartedly to the development of their students and invest their love and energy into helping transform and push their students to become the best versions of themselves while also providing the tools to each student to help them become the best possible teachers they can. I am forever grateful for the experience and don’t think I would have gotten as much out of it had I gone anywhere else. The unique approach to the material and focus on teaching one another while continuing to learn gives students an automatic pathway to success.” – Sabrina K.

“Taking one month to do the teacher training at Joschi Yoga was a truly life-changing experience. Words cannot describe how grateful I am for the passion and dedication of Monika, Joschi, and their team. They are all such talented and inspiring individuals, and I’m so thankful that I was able to learn so much from them during the June teacher training. I had no idea what to expect going in and left with more than I could have ever imagined. Although definitely intensive, the program was structured and organized well. I looked forward to coming to class every single day. All in all, such a wonderful, eye-opening, beautiful, supportive environment and experience. My heart is so full!” – Mia K.

“What a pleasure. This past June was not only a comprehensive learning experience but a TON of fun. I gained so much more than I had imagined during this month-long immersion, and I miss it each passing day. I am confident that I can teach an awesome class and I feel refreshed and full of joy. Joschi was the perfect fit with three amazing, down-to-earth instructors, a beautiful studio, and a nurturing, supportive group of fellow trainees. I am so grateful that I found this program and would do it all over again if I could. A truly fantastic teacher training…thanks for everything!” – Shana H.

“I walked in on my first day, insecure and unsure of my life and my practice but I walked out on my last day, confident, ready to teach yoga and face life. This Teacher Training is truly a rewarding and very life changing experience. I got to deepen my practice under the guidance of very passionate, knowledgeable and warm-hearted teachers. Classes were very well planned, and I felt equipped and ready to teach a yoga class anytime! I am glad that I took time out this summer for this intensive.” – Samantha L.

“I just finished the April 2016 training, it was truly life changing. The program was well structured and organized. It is intense but well worth it. The balance between the talented teachers Joschi, Monika, and their team was amazing. They each brought their unique talents and knowledge to the classes everyday. Aside from the academic part of the program, it was also a self-awakening, self- improving experience that I will carry with me forever. Every student in our class was on a different journey, but the classes kept us united and supported. I met truly outstanding people.” – Fanny C.

“This January I attended the Teacher Training at Joschi Yoga. Without a doubt, it was one of the most rewarding, challenging, and eye-opening experiences I have ever experienced. I did not entirely know what to expect prior, but I have learned far beyond anything I could have ever imagined in my time with Joschi Yoga. Learning from different teachers throughout the training allowed us as students to navigate our own interests and passions within the world of Yoga. As an athletic/Yoga centric person, I truly appreciated the well-roundedness of the program: poses, Sanskrit, and anatomy. I cannot stress enough how much I enjoyed this program and would recommend it to anyone who is even remotely interested in furthering their Yoga practice and potentially teaching Yoga.” – Alyssa K.

“Joschi Yoga is an extraordinary school, where you are not only taught yoga, but also a lot about being a human being, about cultivating love towards yourself and others. The training was excellent, well put together, well executed and gave me the confidence to walk away as a yoga instructor. The experience has opened my mind to every aspect of yoga taught and allowed me to see myself in a new and improved light. Very beautiful people, beautiful souls, instructors really know how to connect with the people that come from different parts of the world. Since I am interested in spiritual side of yoga, I was very happy to meet one of the wonderful teachers of Joschi, who was able to share his unbelievable, powerful energy with us and some of his practices, such as use of crystals and chakra balancing classes. I also appreciate a detailed focus on Anatomy. Thank you to all the instructors.” – Katya K.

“Joschi Yoga, where to begin? Well, let me begin by declaring my love for this program. Coming from a professional dance background, Joschi proved to show every student in the program the individualized attention they deserved. They always had one or more instructors present throughout the entire day and length of our training program. One-on-one attention was daily, and not just in a physical aspect, but mentally and spiritually as well. The teachers at Joschi Yoga were always checking in with the class throughout each day, to see how our energy and stress levels were, to make sure no one had any questions regarding absolutely anything we had covered, or just to see what was on our mind.

Proper placement was taught and stressed – which I commend because injury prevention is important. After all, at the end of the day, the body is everyone’s instrument, not just a dancer’s. With all I learned at Joschi, I feel confident to start teaching just weeks after graduating. Which is why I strongly recommend this program to anyone looking to dive headfirst into all the knowledge the Joschi Yoga provides. You will not only strengthen your practice by learning a wide range of poses inside and out, including their anatomy, Sanskrit names, and more; but you will also experience a revolutionary breakthrough, a miraculous spiritual journey to unlock the power within you. So why keep looking for another yoga school, when the teacher training program you’ve been searching for, is right in front of you: Joschi Yoga.” – Ashli B.

“In short: a life-changing, transformational experience with highly experienced, dedicated professionals and a structured environment that developed my capabilities to move, feel and ultimately, teach. I discovered the Joschi Yoga through research on the Internet and made my decision to attend the Joschi Teacher Training after an exhaustive comparison of other programs offered in and around Manhattan. The Joschi program stood out as the most complete, thoughtful, and organized opportunity available, plus the intensive program allowed me to dive deep into the practice and complete the certification in a time frame that fit my schedule. I came into the program with no expectations except to receive a teaching certificate, and even then, I wasn’t sure I truly wanted to teach yoga. The program is fantastic. There is a perfect balance of focusing on the technical elements of the asanas, teaching exercises, learning the historical and spiritual aspects of yoga, and of course, anatomy. I was also pleasantly surprised how much content and group discussion/debate came about from just simple conversations with the other students. I just graduated from the program, and feel that I now have an enlightened perspective on yoga. I feel confident to teach and excited to continue deepening my practice. Joschi’s program is not the end of my study of yoga, but just the beginning.” – Carl L.

“Mi experiencia en Joschi Yoga:
‘Cada día la vida te da una oportunidad de hacer algo diferente, toma la oportunidad y aprovecha cada momento.’ Eso fue lo que intente hacer en el estudio de Joschi, la experiencia que dejó en mi vida el entrenamiento para ser maestra de Yoga ha sido especial de muchas maneras por que no solo adquirí conocimiento teórico y práctico, sino que poco a poco fui descubriendo que ser es el que quiero ser y la verdad de mi humanidad, descubriendo la realidad de mi esencia, y aunque las respuestas están en mi solamente, el paso por Joschi me ayudó a generar las preguntas que me harán llegar a ser la versión más cierta de mi. Estoy agradecida con la vida por haberme dado la oportunidad de llegar a ese lugar y darme la fuerza suficiente para terminar el entrenamiento llena de valor para proponerme retos diferentes, terminar el entrenamiento me dejo llena de orgullo por que supe que soy un ser humano fuerte y decidido que puede lograr todo lo que se propone. Las cuatro personas que impartieron el curso eran totalmente diferentes y aunque no hice conexión con todos ellos aprendí­ de todos cosas que me ayudaran en el futuro, cuando de mi propia clase a saber que quiero hacer y a donde quiero llegar con mis alumnos. Recomiendo totalmente darse la oportunidad de aprender en el Joschi Academy por que la experiencia que se llevaran es para toda la vida y lo que ahí aprenden como ya lo dije es mas que simples movimientos corporales y conocimiento teórico. Es un viaje de vida del cual van a disfrutar todo el recorrido. ” – June P.

“As a relatively new ‘yogi’ I came to the Joschi Yoga on a holiday to learn about the historical, spiritual, and anatomical side of yoga for a break from my current university studies. From day one I realized this program was more than just a physical and intellectual experience, but something that would shape the rest of my life.
Traveling solo from Australia I found myself completely immersed in a spiritual journey that I will never be able to fully articulate to my friends and family back home. At first, I was terrified as I was the youngest and least experienced with yoga, and the only one not really sure how or why I was sitting on the mat. By the end of the first week, I knew I was right where I was meant to be, and felt at home with the girls around me.
Monika, Joschi, and their team each brought a personal touch to their subjects, giving us insight into their unique adaptation of the yogic lifestyle. Not only do I feel a strong connection with these people who shaped my teacher training, but now also with my teachers back home. When on completion of my final practical exam Joschi smiled and said ‘Welcome to the club’, I felt a sense of instant belonging to something far greater than what I could have ever imagined.
Originally I was fixated on the end goal and the satisfaction of obtaining that certificate, and by the time I left, it seemed to be the least important aspect of the training. Each teacher taught me something about myself, the world, and the people around me that I will hold onto forever. Whether I go on to teach yoga or not, the Joschi Teacher Training has equipped me with knowledge and skills I never knew I needed nor wanted, and now with what I couldn’t live without.” – Holly T.

“AWE-INSPIRING!!! The Teacher Training at Joschi Yoga is top-notch! Not only have I taken some of the best yoga classes of my 7-year yogi life in this studio, but the teachers also really understand what it takes to be an excellent Yoga teacher both on the inside and out. What I got out of this studio that is hard to find in others, is that they were able to guide me into finding who I am as a yoga teacher, and how to embrace my individuality to set myself apart from the every day yoga instructor. Even though the time you spend in their studio seems only but a fleeting moment, you definitely feel prepared and excited to go out and apply all the knowledge you learned into teaching on your own. I am definitely glad and satisfied that I chose their program over any other in the Tri-State area.” – Joshua H.

“Měla jsem potřebu se zklidnit a najít sebe sama. Jóga mi pomohla se v pohybu uvolnit. Pomohla mi i v životě. Naučila jsem se netlačit na věci a dát věcem volný průběh. Našla jsem v józe novou velkou zálibu a to hlavně díky vám, Moniko, Joschi, Laylo a Josephe. Děkuju za tu energii, moc mi to pomohlo vidět věci jiným pohledem. Kurz mi hodně dal a hodně jsem si toho odnesla.” – Linda Z.

“If choosing three words can possibly describe this remarkable experience, I have to go with intense, purposeful, and whole. Every day was an unexpected delivery of eye-opener scenarios reminding one that the possibilities are endless. I walked in empty-handed thinking I was going to school, like old times. Certainly, I rediscovered myself once again through the well-structured program Monika and Joschi have built. It is more than a Teacher Training Certification… that is for sure! I encountered magic in every instant… from signing up and not knowing what to expect, to Monika’s powerful way of reminding you not to doubt yourself, well married to Joschi’s stories within that creative mind of his and that innate passion and knowledge for anatomy. In addition, Joe’s energetic and unique way to empower you and Layla’s sweet approach to extend an invitation to grow from within. An impressive curriculum, laughter, moments of mind expansion, and internal discoveries. I could write a book about this journey and would title it: “Oneness”.
Thank you and once again, thank you… for sharing your authentic and genuine BEING. That is priceless! I am overjoyed to call Joschi Yoga a place like home and know that the journey has simply just begun. I will remember the two rules: Keep it SIMPLE and have FUN…!”   Natasha L.

“I completed the Teacher Training course at Joschi Yoga last month. Choosing this school was one of the best decisions I’ve made! I got so much more out of the program than I anticipated. It was a challenging course that covered so many aspects of yoga, including teaching, health, spirituality, and anatomy. I feel very prepared and confident to begin teaching yoga! There were students from all over the world and we all got very close during the month and created an excellent supportive group of fellow yogis! It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Thank you Joschi and Monika!” – Christina D.

“Joschi Yoga provided a very structured, organized, and empowering program that was absolutely life-changing in all aspects. It was invigorating and intense and the genuine care of the teacher trainers made the experience extremely worth every moment. I thank the universe every day for bringing Joschi Yoga into my being.” – Mercede N.

“I came to Joschi Yoga with the intentions of getting a certificate to teach yoga and I left with so much more than that. Joschi offers a group of supportive and knowledgeable teachers. Not only did I graduate from the teacher training program feeling prepared to teach my first yoga class, but I also left knowing a lot more about myself. The teachers at Joschi thoroughly coached me through learning basic anatomy, Sanskrit, hands-on adjustments, verbal queuing, how to make sequences, and much more. They also supported me through the enormous amount of personal growth I experienced over the course of this training. I will never forget my time spent in this studio with these amazing teachers! Love,” – Sarah J.

“Ho trovato e scelto Joschi dall’Italia cercando su internet senza aver mai sentito parlare della scuola ne conoscendo nessuno che l’aveva frequentata prima. Mi sono trasferita a NY solo per il corso due giorni prima di iniziare. Mi sento di raccomandare altamente questa scuola perché ho trovato dei bravissimi insegnanti, moderni, rigorosi nel loro lavoro, precisi, organizzati e (a differenza di molte scuole) danno molta importanza all’anatomia, cosa per me fondamentale per un insegnante! Ci tengono che ci sia un vero apprendimento e qualità, non mirano a dare un foglio di carta in più solo perché hai pagato. É un’esperienza che ti porti dentro tutta la vita e fino a quando non la fai non capisci cosa significhi… Ho avuto un gruppo di compagne meravigliose e ci siamo sostenute l’una con l’altra nei momenti difficili ( e ce ne sono stati diversi) e siamo cresciute insieme! Mi ritengo molto fortunata vista la quantità di training che offre NY e valuto più che positivamente la scuola e gli insegnati! ” – Elisa C.

“Doing the Teacher Training at the Joschi Yoga was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. Not only was I blown away by the incredible knowledge of the teachers in anatomy and yoga but by their freshness, their humanity, and the way they lead us, without us even realizing it, to a path of self-discovery. With Joschi, Monika, and their team I didn’t only learn how to teach yoga, but I learned how to be a better version of myself as a whole.” – Julia A.

“When I decided that I wanted to do a teacher training course, I knew that it would be impactful but had no idea what to expect. The decision to do the course at Joschi Yoga was easy, after spending hours researching various schools, Joschi and Monika were the two teachers that stood out amongst everyone. And now I know why! The teacher training course was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. Joschi, Monika, and their team are all inspiring, nurturing, knowledgable, and creative teachers. Each one I learned a valuable life lesson from, and each one inspired me in a different way. I knew that the physical part of yoga would be challenging, but what I did not expect was the beautiful emotional and intellectual journey along the way. I was surrounded by the best fellow yogi students that one could ask for – and together with the Joschi team – we became a family for those 4 weeks. I loved the international aspect as well, with students from all over the world we had a well-rounded and diverse group of ideas, experiences, cultures. I left feeling confident that I had acquired the skills to teach and inspire others on their own yoga journeys. It was difficult to leave the cocoon of those 4 incredible weeks, but I am excited and ready for what lies ahead. Thank you to the supportive and amazing team at Joschi Yoga! There are not enough words in the English language to describe how truly amazing my experience at Joschi was – just know that if you are considering yoga teacher training, this is exactly where you want to be!” – Brett T.

“Where do I begin… I recently finished my Teacher Training at Joschi Yoga. I knew it would be a rewarding experience, but I never imagined nor could I have imagined what an amazing and rewarding experience it was. Not only did I strengthen my own yoga practice and learn how to teach yoga, but I went through a spiritual journey within myself. The teachers at Joschi were beyond my expectations; each teacher brought their own knowledge, experiences, and individuality to each class. Every day was different and enlightening. We grew together day by day, week by week, and became a family. I didn’t know how I’d feel after the training ended, I felt as if something was ending that shouldn’t be ending but Monika & Joschi encourage us to begin our next journey. They let us go in a warm, caring, and encouraging, way and I know that Joschi Yoga will always feel like home to me!!” – Cristina V.

“Not sure why this light bulb came on while my stay in NY, but I think because I was meant to take it with you.
I started this challenge not sure of myself, hesitating about my abilities. You helped me build up a confidence that made me not only a better teacher but a better person. You made me dig deep and look into myself and see my potential. This training has taught me not what a yoga teacher should be but who should I be as a yoga teacher. Your team was the perfect fit. They are caring people that shared every bit of them. And I will always be grateful for that.

I can only say THANK YOU! You made me open my mind to another dimension and I’m loving all the opportunities that can come from it. Thank you, for sharing your knowledge and experience with me. For your patience and support. For your encouragement and straightforwardness. For this and more…

You are beautiful souls and I’m keeping every teaching and every experience within me. And I’m sure that you will be proud of my teaching because it will be a reflection of your wonderful teaching.

Keep being who you are because you rock! Namaste,” – Chris H.

“I recently completed my teacher training intensive at Joschi Yoga. I wasn’t completely sure what to expect but I figured that I would get a lot better at yoga, learn a lot about yoga and end up in better shape than when I started. Thankfully all of those things happened but so did a lot more. In this short amount of time, I grew as a person more than I normally do in a year or more, and because of this, my relationships with others became so much better. I also became a much calmer person able to enjoy each and every day for what it is and not to stress the small stuff. I learned a love for yoga in all of the areas that it encompasses and don’t want to ever stop studying yoga. I have to thank the wonderful teachers at Joschi for helping to guide me through this amazing experience. Besides being very knowledgeable, flexible, and strong they were extremely understanding and helpful. They opened up their studio to us and now when I go back it doesn’t feel like a studio, it feels like a best friend’s home. My only complaint would be that it ended too soon, but at least I can go back for classes!” – Michele V.

“This Teacher Training course is one of the best things I have ever done – it exceeded my expectations by a wide margin on many levels and I recommend it to ANYONE!! Whether you plan on making yoga your career or just looking to expand your knowledge, this teacher training leaves you feeling empowered, comfortable teaching a class, and eager to share all of the amazing things we get to learn. The teachers were extremely cool, knowledgeable, and professional, and most importantly, the curriculum was impressive! It covered all subjects needed to be a great teacher including anatomy and physiology, which is crucial. We also practiced teaching more than an average teacher training would allow, so by the end of it I felt totally comfortable teaching in front of a group of people. Words cannot express how grateful I am that I got to experience this with such an amazing group of people, and of course, amazing teachers- you guys are all wonderful!” – Natalia M.

“When I first joined the Joschi Teacher Training, I only had about a year’s experience of practicing yoga. Looking around the classroom on the first day of class, I thought I was way over my head. By the time I left the Joschi training, I had the supreme confidence to teach a class of beginners – what a difference from when I started!! Not only do you learn about all that there is to know about yoga (anatomy, poses, philosophy, breathing techniques, vinyasa flows, etc) but you get plenty of opportunities to teach small and large groups. Your teachers and fellow students give feedback to your teaching style which is honest and not like support groups where everything is okay. Joschi, Monika, and their team were awesome teachers who are very intelligent. I highly recommend this school if you’re really serious about teaching yoga.” – Dan R.

“When I first decided on the teacher training at Joschi Yoga, I honestly had no expectations. I knew it was a comprehensive course that would cover the material I was ready to learn to help me on the path of teaching yoga. I am glad I didn’t have expectations because my experience has far exceeded any I might have had! From the beautiful clean modern look and feel of the studio itself to the incredible staff and trainee group..I felt at home…taken care of in all aspects of practice and professionalism.
I find the studio owners, Joschi and Monika to be quite incredible. From Monika’s acute business sense and dedication to success to Joschi’s powerful creative, intuitive, and humerus spirit…they complete a balance. Both are extremely knowledgeable in ALL aspects of yoga. I felt at home, empowered, encouraged, inspired. I laughed and fully enjoyed yoga and teaching aspects in ways I never imagined I could.
The staff, all quite incredible humans….provided me with the perfect tools to use to help others in all aspects of this ancient practice. There is no question that they are all examples of walking the talk…living their lives and teaching because they LOVE it. It is who they are…. AWARE and AWAKE!
That is why the program can be as effective and impacting as it is…the ultimate inspiration and awareness. I found all of these aspects to be the perfect blend to teach and impart wisdom to us green trainees. I am sad to leave, having felt such a tribal sense of community within such a short time. I feel grateful, excited, connected, and honored to be able to leave and share what they have all taught me in the light of helping others on the yoga path.
We are all connected and attract what we need in life… so I will simply continue to be an extension of Joschi Yoga every time I guide a person in a downward dog, a warrior, an Om. My deepest blessings and love to all who have helped me…all good things, thoughts, awareness. Priceless experience. In gratitude,” – Danielle D.

“Joschi’s Teacher Training has been amazing! Truly amazing because it’s been just a month; so short and so full! I loved that we were encouraged to be ourselves as individuals as well as part of a group. We grew and learned together with support and compassion for one another, which encouraged us all to take chances as individuals. The teachers created an atmosphere of learning and encouragement.
Every day we explored Yoga with two or three teachers, each of whom brought their passion and knowledge to every class. Asana, Anatomy, Yoga History and Philosophy, The Yoga Sutras, The Bhagavad Gita, Pranyama, Bandhas, the Business of Yoga, and teaching, teaching, and teaching! It’s so much, still settling and a fantastic base from which to begin to teach.
I complete the training enriched personally as well as professionally. Thank you Joschi, Monika, and all your teachers for all you brought, shared, and gave! A heartfelt…Namaste!” – Kim B.

“More than just a flawless studio and an impeccable website. The Joschi Yoga teacher training can and will change your mind & body, but most of all, the way in which they work together. The structure of the program works! Pure dedication, intense amount of knowledge in such a short amount of time. CHANGE is Possible in the blink of an eye! Walk in students leave as educators of mind-body and FULL of spirit! Be ready and open to a true understanding of life’s potential. Thank you for all your time, understanding, and pure focused Energy. I feel blessed to have studied with such great instructors! I hope that more beautiful souls find their way to your doors! Just knock first! Thank you dearly, xoxo.” – Colleen M.

“If you are interested in becoming a yoga teacher, Joschi Yoga is a great place to do it. I began teaching day two of the training! Because of the structure and schedule of the training, it was extremely intense. While other programs spread out the information over a period of months, I was completely immersed in yoga all day and studying/reviewing at night. They have a very structured curriculum yet are flexible to the needs of students. I truly enjoyed my time here and am thankful to Monika, Joschi, and their crew for the time and energy they invested in me.” – Kelsey S.

“I just completed the Winter 2010 Joschi Yoga Teacher Training. This outstanding program featured Joschi, Monika, and their staff who embodied the passion, knowledge, and professionalism to impart the myriad facets of yoga. I would recommend this program to anyone with a desire to become a yoga teacher or to simply take their journey into yoga to a higher level. I savored every fleeting moment and the wonderful kindred spirits who shared in this experience. Namaste!” – Lynne G.

“When I first came to ‘Joschi Yoga’, I found the environment, teachers, classes, and his unique personality very impressive. Then I decided to have teachers training there. Now the training over and I realized that I made a great choice. I learned and grew a lot. The foundation they built on us about technical knowledge as well as teachers’ persona are so amazing… Monika was very patient, understanding, and knowledgeable teacher meanwhile the other teachers of Joschi Yoga were very helpful during our training time… Joschi says he is not a ‘GURU’ sure he is not but definitely he is like a ‘guru of anatomy in town’ His knowledge and expertise are profound. If anyone is looking for a serious teacher training, this is a quality program and studio in NYC. Enjoy the journey… Namaste.” – B.B.

“I recently went through the teacher training course at Joschi Yoga, and it exceeded all expectations I had (and I had great expectations). All of the instructors were extremely insightful and inspiring, and each had something unique to share. I honestly believe that no other education or experience in my life has transformed me so much for the better. Not only did I leave the training confident, excited about yoga (wanting to share my knowledge with all willing to listen), and equipped with the essential knowledge of anatomy, but through learning the philosophy of yoga and daily intensive practice, I feel exponentially more mentally balanced and overall, a more focused, peaceful, productive and happy person. Meditation was covered as well but was not the main focus of this course, however, I feel the practice of meditation is so personal, that there is only so much you can teach in a given amount of time. I love the atmosphere of the studio, and even the other students were such amazing people. I think this place is very unique and I wouldn’t trade my experience at Joschi for anything!” – Marlena B.

“A room filled with strangers all with a different purpose. My purpose is to find my joy that come to me through yoga. Little did I know that I would feel so empowered, knowledgeable, sore and joyous!!! And extremely rich with friendships with the most wonderful people I have met. I miss you all very much!
I feel deeply grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Joschi teaching training with Joschi, Monika, and their amazing teachers, wow what a team, love them!! They were all very informative, supportive, and engaging teachers, and had a very well-planned curriculum.
I felt that Monika and Joschi are a wonderful teaching team, and you can see that they possess the ability to work very well together in their area of expertise and keeping the cleanest studio I have ever been to.
The Teacher Training course was simultaneously very challenging and fun. It also helped me to overcome my fear of speaking in front of a group. This training will teach you proper form, class flow and give you the foundation to expand yoga practice and help you to develop the confidence to become a yoga teacher. I would highly recommend Joschi Yoga. Thank you Joschi and Monika for making me a better Yogi. Your student” – Nahla R.

“I’m currently enrolled in Joschi’s teacher training, and it has been a consistently positive experience from the start. I did a lot of research on programs as well as taking classes all over the city. I have a full-time job in technology strategy consulting. Time is near and dear to me, and I take these types of commitments very seriously. For sure, a teacher training is a highly personalized choice – based on factors ranging from one’s own level of practice, experience w/ different styles of yoga, and individual interests. One program may be fantastic for one student and not so for another – just like going to university, working for a company, or going to a restaurant.
That said, for me, there are several areas to highlight:
* Joschi and Monika are authentic and genuinely interested in each student’s journey with the program. Anyone who has spent time with them in the studio in advance of training would have a very clear sense of who they are, and if they as instructors are a fit for them. Given that yoga is ALL about being who we truly are, they embody this and are at ease with themselves, which I’ve found to help myself and others feel that way as well.
* They get that the “mass commercialization” of yoga is a big issue and have helped our trainee class understand this landscape and how we might navigate it. This has been an extremely valuable reality check for those truly interested in yoga for its transformative potential (vs. perhaps monetary or other interests – not that there is anything wrong with that).
* As we all know the perils of yoga when not done w/ proper alignment, etc., Joschi’s intense focus, knowledge, and experience on the anatomy of the body and how it moves is absolutely fantastic. For me, a rule of thumb #1 is students not getting harmed in yoga! This requires teachers, new and experience, to have a strong background in anatomy. This differentiates the program and for me is an essential part of my learning. As a result, his classes have the most creative sequencing and I have enjoyed and learned a lot from how he provides a complete class experience.
* Actual practice teaching is the best tool to incorporate our learnings, and we have had ample opportunity to be teaching, and are encouraged to do so. Like most things in life, one tends to get out what one puts in. I’ve found the program to be packed with information as well as a lot of hands-on.
Thanks to Joschi, I’m deepening my own practice and also gaining a better sense of where I’d like to go on my journey in teaching yoga. My gratitude for this opportunity.” – Molly T.

“I am not new to yoga and have studied at different great studios with teachers whom I love. I came to Joschi Yoga when I was trying to decide on a studio where I could be in one place to focus, to feel at home while deepening my practice–and to eventually do a Teacher Training. The first time I walked into Joschi it felt like I had walked into another world. Everything about this studio was just different. I didn’t even realize that I was looking for different, but there it was. I felt at home.
The space is dark, beautiful, quite lounge-like, and sophisticated. I immediately took 4 classes with 4 different teachers and fell in love with each of them and their varied styles. Many of them have received their Teaching Certificates from Joschi Yoga and are really great teachers! I have experienced and witness each teacher taking a special interest in and care for their students, their practice as well as their limitations and abilities. I am not too sure how it is that they do this, but these teachers also remember those things that they learn about new students upon their return and work them into the class. Here, there is a dynamic approach to yoga that for me was unexpected.
Some teachers are more traditional in their yoga styles than others which is where I naturally lean, however, those who are not as traditional push yoga to a refreshing & playful edge which has offered me options and insights that I value especially as I further explore my own relationship to yoga and start to imagine what kind of teacher I could potentially become. Because the owners Joschi & Monika got to know me pretty well right away, I’m sure that they knew that I would do my training with them even before I did!” – Teri R.

“Inhale Warrior I, exhale Warrior II. Inhale Peaceful Warrior. One breath, one movement. By following your own breath, let it move you through your flow. These words have become music to my ears over the past year that I’ve been attending Joschi. This attractive and chic yoga studio has become my second home, I kid you not! (I have told both the owners Joschi and Monika that I am going to set up a cot in the backroom because I spend so much time there.) The dark wood floors, white walls, and copper-colored ceiling sets the stage for a rejuvenating yet challenging vinyasa practice. All of the teachers are unique, and they get to know your strengths and weakness so that they can help to deepen your practice. They are all super-friendly and carry such great energy that is truly refreshing. They not only act as your guide but are also very knowledgeable about yoga while adding their own personal flair to each class. Many of them even received their Teacher Training Certificates from Joschi Yoga. In addition to brilliant yoga classes, Joschi also offers mat-based pilates workouts. With Joschi’s comprehensive background in anatomy, he not only gets you in shape for summer but explains how the muscles work together so that you have a better understanding of what is happening in your own body. His style of teaching is not only interesting and funny, but it allows you to see what exactly you need to focus on to improve your body. If not for their support, I would have never enrolled in their Teacher Training. Both Joschi and Monika are always available at the studio to answer any questions you may have. I appreciate everything that they do. I’ve enjoyed my experience so much that now I really do live there, at times taking two and three classes a day!” – Paula P.

“I’ve studio-hopped for over 5 years in NYC and finally found the right fit- beautiful space, creativity of the flow, actual knowledge of the human body, and the best workout (my newly chiseled obliques thank you!) You feel at home at Joschi’s the moment you walk in. The teachers are each unique and genuinely care about strengthening your practice. Lots of creative people frequent the studio and you immediately understand why they are drawn here. You always leave feeling better than you did walking in. The owners of this studio are gracious and have created a strong sense of community. Everyone seems to show a mutual respect for others and those with lack of self-awareness (e.g. cell phone users) are not ignored for the sake of a dollar. I’m happy to finally have a place I can enthusiastically recommend to everyone!” – Laila G.

“Considering becoming a yoga teacher? Then I highly recommend you choose the Joschi Teacher Training Course. I completed their program today. It was everything I had hoped for and so much more… Over the past 11 years, I have taken yoga classes at many gyms, studios and clubs all over NYC. Moreover, as an avid triathlete competing at the world championship level and an active coach, I have seen my fair share of the fitness industry from the inside. I chose Joschi Yoga for my teacher training after taking classes there for a couple of months, getting to know the studio and talking to the teacher trainees of the preceding programs. The program emphasizes anatomy, proper asana, pranayama and meditation practice, and gaining teaching experience over the more esoteric aspects of the “subtle body”. This worked well for me as I felt I was getting a thorough education re: those aspects of yoga that are grounded in (both Western and Eastern) science. We were also introduced to yoga philosophy, the doshas, koshas, bandhas and mudras through lively discussions that inspired further critical inquiry on my own. Where I thought Joschi and Monika really shine, though — and surpassed my expectations –, was equipping me with the tools to become not just a passable conduit but the best yoga teacher I could be. From the very first day, they challenged me to establish a connection with my students through which I would be able to authentically relate my very own practice of yoga. At its heart, this requires self-scrutiny, courage and discipline. Monika and Joschi guided me through this sometimes scary process with “tough love” tempered by a generous helping of humor. Thanks to them, I feel confident that I will be able to deliver a safe, exciting and rewarding experience to my future yoga students. What is more, Monika and Joschi let me discover how teaching yoga can bring deep contentment and even joy to my life. For this unexpected gift, I will be forever grateful.” – Christian S.

“I have practiced yoga for 12 years and take my practice rather seriously. At the same time, I’m not at all interested in the cult-y or chant-y studios that abound. Being of Indian descent and having academic and personal knowledge of Indian spiritual traditions, it makes me livid to see the way some of these teachings are thrown into bendy, stretchy yoga classes. At Joschi, I got exactly what I needed–an emphasis on protecting the body, strengthening the muscles, moving in a way that was right for my body (and not just “however your body is inspired to move”…which could be problematic in the end!). It was straight-up exercise with humor, challenge, and intensity. I definitely recommend this studio to anyone and everyone.” – Siddhartha S.

“Some decisions have a profound impact on our lives. I personally believe that my decision to attend Joschi’s Teacher’s Training was one of those decisions. I just finished the teacher training and i feel nostalgic already. The program was intense and very informative. Joschi and Monika are serious instructors and business owners. They both take the business of yoga very seriously, which is what I loved about their approach. Joschi and Monika found their calling and they are doing it with professionalism, intelligence, and integrity. Based on the contact with them I truly believe they have not only mastered the forms of yoga, but they also practice it and pass a wealth of knowledge, compassion, passion, and determination along to their students.
What I loved most is that the program was a place where we don’t lose ourselves but rather, we discover what we are made of. Joschi Yoga was a place where, for the first time, I met my inner self, and where I learned of my strengths and weaknesses.
I initially arrived worried about fitting in as a 57-year-old. I later discovered that my age was not a hurdle, but a bonus to my learning and to my being a future yoga teacher.
The studio itself is a testament to Joschi and Monika’s approach and respect for their craft and their students. It was impeccably clean and neat, very well organized and had a welcoming tone throughout the day. While it took me a couple of days to feel comfortable, once I settled in and understood the expectations and the demands of our teachers I felt at home.” – Maya S.

“Taking a teacher training has been a personal goal of mine for quite some time. Joschi Yoga covers athletic vinyasa flow and I felt this would suit my personality and what I look to attain from yoga. My favorite thing about this studio is that it addresses yogi values in the 21st century in New York. I take yoga for a number of reasons of health and balance and find that their realistic approach invites me into developing my practice further, without losing the realities I am tied to via career and environment. I do not feel forced into an extreme way of living but feel far more welcomed to grow. As teacher trainees we are encouraged to teach throughout the course, Monika emphasizes safety and for each trainee to become an effective communicator. It is not just what the lessons are, but how to teach them and have your students understand you. As I have questions, I know I can ask during the teacher training class and get the answers I need. Joschi’s anatomy lessons apply this complex subject in an attainable set of lessons. As in most forms of education, you have to review what you learn, anatomy is not easy and is well worth reviewing considering how direct he has crafted his teachings. Again, emphasis on safety, is communicated in the anatomy lessons. They are both German and do well to connect with the students, while providing comfort to other foreigners. My teacher training has an equal split of Americans and foreigners. The support and encouragement are good, and I think knowing that you can approach your teachers here is something you cannot forget. As with most things in life, if you have questions, want further details, or want to improve on something outside of the foundation of the teacher training, ASK! I certainly take advantage of learning from these individuals and recommend all to do the same.” – Vanessa P.